
New music: BEAT MARK

Jingly jangly sunshiny sugar pop to warm those cold Winter hearts…

Paris-based noise-pop foursome BEAT MARK will release a five-track EP on Scottish indie label Soft Power Records (also home to Irish garage popsters Hunk) this February. Entitled Beat Mark…Move On, the limited edition cassette tape is an impressive collection of early-nineties inspired Summer indie tunes – think a slightly smoother version of The Vaselines and you are half the way there. Cassette closer ‘The Way’ is a particular Cheshire-cat-grin-inducing highlight. Stream the EP in its entirety using the player below.

For more on BEAT MARK visit:

BEAT MARK release Beat Mark…Move On 15th February on Soft Power Records
– Physical edition copies of the release will be limited to 100

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