
What’s he building in there: little xs for eyes #1

Michelle and Bennie lay down some vocals at “the third location”
“A spare bedroom, a haunted cellar, assorted home-made tarts – this is how we make an album.”

Excitement and I tend to meet up for coffee both easily and regularly. It’s always been the way. Not being particularly well-built for mass caffeine consumption however, the hysteria of a trip abroad, upcoming festival or a well-designed yet homely new mug can get the better of me and I am burnt out before the big event actually happens. One such future happening that just can’t get here fast enough is the arrival of the new record from little xs for eyes. With Adrian, Bennie, Davey, Harry, Lucy and Michelle currently in full-blown hedgehog mode, hibernating away from the world in order to produce the follow up to 2012’s gorgeous gem S.A.D. it would seem I would have quite some to wait before any word on the new record would rear its spiky little head. Fortunately, the super sixsome went for the idea of keeping a studio blog to keep little xs fans old and new up to date on recording life through an assortment of updates, photos and maybe even the odd recording recipe or two. We may even enjoy and exclusive or two along the way. Take it away Bennie

Lucy – while Davey and Bennie spend two hours retreiving the car key from inside their locked car which also contains their guitars Lucy prepares for some no nonsense hard core korg recording
Ado – drums and bass day at Cara Studio

When The G-man first suggested that we blog about the making of our second album our immediate reaction was “way yes! Anything for the G-Daddy” …but then doubt set in as we worried “why would anyone take interest in the making of a little xs album”? We’re hardly Fleetwood Mac. There will be no plush recording studio, there will be no big-shot producer, there will be no cocaine fuelled hissy fits or saucy inter-entourage affairs. There will be an overall lack of sexiness and snazziness. Just six friends making a really good album using modest resources and a very limited budget. But then maybe that is interesting? Making an album as a broke, unsigned and un-managed band is far more complicated and challenging than the making of Rumours, right? Right. So over the coming summer months (and possibly beyond) we shall blog! There will be song-smithery and audio wizardry, there will be minor disagreements, there will be a single, a video, a photo shoot, there will be home baked goods and at the end of it all there will be a totally awesome album. So stick around, it might not be boring. For now let us bring you up to speed on our progress so far using the magical medium of photography …

Cara Studios, county Dublin. Its back garden is also a little urban farm with chickens and all!
Harry’s gaf

We began recording the first of two batches of songs this month. You can guarantee that summer will happen (a) when the Leaving Cert starts and (b) when little xs commit themselves to studio gloom. So far recording has taken place in three sunny locations, Eoin Bailey‘s Cara Studios (where S.A.D was made) and in the spare room of our bass player (and big-shot producer) Harry Bookless. The third location is extremely top secret, in fact there is no “third location”…forget I even said that.

Recording for the first four songs is almost done and mixing has begun for our forthcoming single which will be in your earholes in just a few weeks time! For now though cast your ears back to summer 2012 and remember us fondly…
Bennie Reilly (little xs for eyes)

Remember to visit for more little xs for eyes news in the coming weeks!

For more on little xs for eyes visit:

– More from little xs for eyes in the coming weeks
– Purchase 2012 release S.A.D. over on

Eoin Bailey with beautiful studio assistant Bowie

Ado and Pedro enjoy a fag break and a chat at Cara
Harry_dums and bass day at Cara Studios
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